Highest Rated in Connecticut

Latest in Eye Surgery Technology

Only Eye Surgeon with Cataract & Retina Surgery at the same time

Comprehensive Eye Exams

Your Trusted White Plains Eye Doctor

Are you experiencing symptoms of a vision problem? Has it been a while since you last visited an eye care specialist? Are you ready to take better control of your eye health on a daily basis? At Coastal Eye Surgeons, we’re home to the highest-rated eye doctor White Plains has to offer and we can’t wait for you to meet him!

Dr. Omar Shakir, MD MBA is an ophthalmologist that specializes in laser cataract surgery, glaucoma, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, dry eyes, and eye allergies. He has extensive knowledge and experience in the ophthalmology field and is constantly learning how to improve the industry for future generations.

You can trust that your vision care needs are in good hands when partnering with the talented and honest team at Coastal Eye Surgeons. We understand our role in community eye health and are proud to offer a unique, boutique-style setting for everyone to enjoy. Trust us, this isn’t your normal eye doctor visit -- it’s better!

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About Our White Plains Eye Care

One of the things that separates our practice from other eye care specialists in the White Plains region is our dedication to state-of-the-art technology and cutting-edge treatments. We’ve seen some high-quality advancements made in the ophthalmology industry, which Dr. Shakir is committed to utilizing on a daily basis.

The comfortable setting we provide helps our patients feel a little more at home when visiting our office, something no one takes for granted. We want to show the White Plains community what it means to provide high-quality eye care in a unique and modern fashion. 

Founded in 2017, Coastal Eye Surgeons is the best eye doctor White Plains NY has to offer and we’re just getting started in this wonderful community. We can’t wait to see what the future holds -- not just for the ophthalmology field, but for our patient’s eye health and overall wellness.

Dr. Omar Shakir, MD MBA is a board-certified ophthalmologist that specializes in cataract and vitreoretinal surgery. He received his Doctor of Medicine at Albany Medical College before completing an internship at Johns Hopkins University, a residency at the University of Florida, and a two-year vitreous and retina surgery fellowship at Yale University. He packs a world of passion into the ophthalmology industry and it’s what catapults him to being the best eye doctor White Plains residents have access to. You won’t be disappointed in our services and will look forward to your next visit -- which is rare when talking about the eye doctor!

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What’s the Purpose Behind an Eye Exam?

Eye exams are a necessary and important part of a regular vision care routine. They’re administered by your trusted ophthalmologist and play an essential role in detecting eye diseases and other eye conditions. When done properly, eye exams help you preserve your vision long-term. 

While most people believe you should only schedule an eye exam when something doesn’t feel or look right, that’s hardly the case with the technology we have today. At Coastal Eye Surgeons, we recommend everyone visiting their eye care specialist every 1-2 years -- unless an issue occurs before then or your doctor recommends something different.

Book Your Next Eye Exam With Us Today!

When you need a boutique, high-tech eye care office designed for the White Plains community, you’ve come to the right place. With Dr. Shakir’s experience and the newest technology available today, we can properly diagnose and treat any eye issue you’re experiencing. You can contact our office to learn more about what we do and why we do it. Otherwise, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with us to discover how we can improve your eye health moving forward. We also support televisits for those that prefer their consultations that way. See our other ny locations like Harrison.

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